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Hiroshima, questions 

I went to Japan in 1995 to explore, in paint and pencil, my confusion about my country’s justification for dropping atomic bombs on two cities in Japan. I have heard for as long as I have been alive that this horrendous rain of destruction was necessary to end the war, to save American lives and to bring democracy to a “backward” wrong-thinking country. I have been told that the Japanese were fanatics; a maniacally war- mongering people who would stop at nothing to take over the world. Therefore, according to that mind-set, America was justified to use the most heinous means to subject the Japanese. Apparently it worked. 

The confusion that I had/have and that I went to Japan to explore, came from being raised a Christian with the mandates “Thou shalt not kill” “Love your neighbor as yourself”, “Turn the other cheek” “Forgive thine enemy 7 times 70” and then squaring that with what I know our country is capable of. 

I came away from Japan with my body of work and no answers. Only questions.

Supplication #1

Supplication #1

29" x 42" Mixed Media

Supplication #2

Supplication #2

Mixed Media 26" x 42"

Japanese Landscape  #1

Japanese Landscape #1

43" x 21" Mixed Media

Japanese Landscape #2

Japanese Landscape #2

43" x 21" Mixed Media

Japanese Landscape #3

Japanese Landscape #3

43" x 21 Mixed Media

Hands August 5 #1

Hands August 5 #1

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th  #2

Hands, August 5th #2

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #3

Hands, August 5th #3

12" x 15

Hands, August 5th #4

Hands, August 5th #4

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #5

Hands, August 5th #5

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #6

Hands, August 5th #6

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #7.

Hands, August 5th #7.

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #8

Hands, August 5th #8

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #9

Hands, August 5th #9

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #10

Hands, August 5th #10

12" x 16"

Hands, August 5th #11

Hands, August 5th #11

Hands, August 5th, #12

Hands, August 5th, #12

12" x 16"

Hands, August 6th #1

Hands, August 6th #1

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #2

Hands, August 6th #2

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #3

Hands, August 6th #3

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #4

Hands, August 6th #4

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #5

Hands, August 6th #5

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #6

Hands, August 6th #6

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #7

Hands, August 6th #7

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #8

Hands, August 6th #8

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #9

Hands, August 6th #9

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #10

Hands, August 6th #10

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th #11

Hands, August 6th #11

12" x 15"

Hands, August 6th  #12

Hands, August 6th #12

12" x 15"

Hands August 6th #13

Hands August 6th #13

12" x 15"

Ground Zero #1

Ground Zero #1

Mixed Media 22" x 20"

Ground Zero #2

Ground Zero #2

Mixed Media 22" x 20"

Ground Zero #3

Ground Zero #3

Mixed Media 22" x 20"

Ground Zero  #4

Ground Zero #4

Mixed Media 14.5" x 14"

Ground Zero #5

Ground Zero #5

Mixed Media

Ground Zero #6

Ground Zero #6

Oil on Paper



Oil on Canvas 32" x 10"

Cruciform 1

Cruciform 1

Oil on Canvas 35"x 49"

Cruciform 2

Cruciform 2

Pencil and Graphite on paper 30" x 42"

Cruciform 3

Cruciform 3

Oil on paper 30" x 40"

Cruciform  4

Cruciform 4

Oil on Paper 84" x 40"

Cruciform 5

Cruciform 5

Oil on Paper19" x 21"

Cruciform 6

Cruciform 6

Mixed Media 30" x 42"

Cruciform 7

Cruciform 7

Colored Pencil and Graphite on Paper 30" x 40"

Cruciform 8

Cruciform 8

Mixed Media 30" 40"

Suffer the Chilldren

Suffer the Chilldren

Mixed Media 40" x 30"

"They're Just Japs"

"They're Just Japs"

Mixed Media 40" x 30"

"My God"

"My God"

Oil on Canvas 60" x 16"

The Yellow Dome

The Yellow Dome

Oil on Canvas 45" x 45"

The White Dome

The White Dome

Oil on Canvas 35" x 45"

The Dome

The Dome

Aftermath Oil on Canvas 45" x 36"

The Blue Dome

The Blue Dome

45" x 36" Oil on Canvas

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